How much does an E-commerce website cost in 2017?

  • How much does an E-commerce website cost in 2017?

People are now in love with the letter ‘e’. It may sound weird, but yes, it’s true. We love e-mail, e-money, e-wallet, and even e-commerce website builder too. It has now become a fascination to involve the letter ‘e’ in our daily life.

E-commerce website comes in different forms. So it is quite difficult to find the actual cost for e-commerce websites. Irrespective of you are starting a new e-commerce website or going to proceed with the existing one, the cost of your website will depend on the kind of your business type and need, on the platform on which you want to use that, and on the expert help that is available for you. You can check the ecommerce website examples from the portfolio of our website.

Hosted vs. self-hosted

Before going into the depth of the e-commerce, let’s get introduced to two terms attached with it. The terms are hosted and self-hosted. Both have some advantages as well as disadvantages. Now you might be thinking that whether you will host your website or you should use an already hosted platform for ecommerce websites for sale. First, make the concept clear about hosted platforms. These platforms run on someone else’s server. For example, we can say the name of Shopify and Squarespace. Now have a look on the positive side of hosted platforms.

Advantages of hosted platform

  • User-friendly- The hosted platforms are very easy to use for ecommerce website design. The user can have access on it without any difficulty.
  • Stay upgraded- You can stay upgraded with the help of already hosted platforms.
  • Strong and powerful hosting- As, these hosting are done by skilled and experienced professionals, so it is very powerful and active. You can get ecommerce website templates from our design team.

Along with the positive sides, it has some disadvantages also, they are as follow.

            Disadvantages of hosted platform

  • Hardcore customization- All the features are pre built. So, customizing it will be difficult for a genuine user. We can help you with ecommerce website development.

So, it was all about hosted platforms. Now let’s get into self-hosted platforms and check out the advantages in the ecommerce website design company.

Advantages of self-hosted platform

Customization– it provides you the facility of customization that means, you can change something if you don’t like that. We can provide you the most competitive ecommerce website cost.

Ownership– If you have your own hosting, then you will control over many things.

Self-hosting is not good in every cases. It also carries some negative features along with. Let’s dive into its disadvantages. You can get an appropriate ecommerce website hosting service.

Disadvantages of self-hosting

Higher cost– set up cost is much higher in comparison to hosted platforms. Here, you will be required a right team for the development purpose, so the cost is very high for an ecommerce website for sale.

Monitoring– you need to keep record; you need to set up everything all by yourself. So, monitoring the whole thing becomes a little bit difficult. Our designers get positive ecommerce website builder reviews.

What is your actual need?

Before diving into the depth of pricing, we should make our concept clear about the need of our business. Understanding the specifics of your business, different e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magneto, and Woocommerce must be utilized. These online stores offer wide range of apps and plug-ins to increase functions on your site. The designers have sound knowledge of ecommerce website analytics.

So now, you have got the basic idea about how to assess your business through online e-commerce sites. Now, the most important question arises. What will be the cost of e-commerce website? There is a wide range of pricing available. Here we have summed up a benchmark of e-commerce website rate to help you in making decisions. Our company provides the best ecommerce website audit.

Designing and building

  • If the website is built on Shopify or WordPress, then the basic site from a small agency will cost around $2k-$5k.
  • If an agency of 5-30 persons built then that will cost you from $20 to $30k. It will be something more sophisticated. Our designers are skilled in creating an ecommerce website architecture diagram.
  • If you something more complex project, you will have to pay around $50k. It’s quite clear, the more complex the project, the more you will have to pay.
  • If the agency is large, then you will have to pay high. While working with large agencies, it will cost more than $100k because you are working with larger technology stacks. So, cost is variable. It depends on the platform you chose. We can modify the ecommerce website admin panel.

Software cost/ Licensing

  • When you are stating with a hosted solution like Shopify or Squarespace, no initial cost will be there to pay. But, there will be a monthly fee from $30 to $300 per month. The fees of upgradation as well as the security update are included in that monthly fees structure.
  • You can start with WordPress because it is open-source software and you can download it for free, just you will need to host it to yourself. Here the cost will be reduced so far as you are using the software for free.
  • If you want to start with Magneto, then you need to know that two different versions of Magneto are there. One is open-source version and another one is enterprise version. If you are dealing with open-source version then the download cost of the software will be zero. But, when you are using the enterprise version, you are bound to pay a license fee of around 15k pound per year. At the same time you need to host this also. Of course, there will be some difference in functionality of these two different versions. That is the main reason of paying the cost. You can get a good content for your page on ecommerce website about us.

Cost of hosting

  • When you are using hosted solution, they will include cost of hosting in their monthly fees. So, don’t think that there is no cost of hosting. It is present but you can’t differentiate it.
  • The best and safest way is to use a managed solution like Rackspace. Here you will get a 24×7 technical support team to help you if you encounter any issue. The cost of managed server can vary depending on the power that you need. The cost will vary from 350 pound to 2000 pound. So, if you are seeking for lots of traffic for your website, then you need to spend money on servers also. Our experienced designers and developers know how to make ecommerce website.

Other Costs

  • For a hosted website, the pricing structure is different and several factors are there to consider. Web design agencies charge 40 to 150 pound per hour. Their capacity is more predictable as skilled workers will be there, so there will be cost.
  • All the freelancing developers associated with it will cost depending on their skills and experience.
  • The cheapest option is the offshore developers. They will charge 5 to 20pound per hour.

WooCommerce, the best e-commerce platform

Now, if you are interested to sell things online, then you must be looking for some e-commerce websites that are popular in these days. Well, different platforms are there in this regard but the most popular two platforms are woocommerce and shopify. These two e-commerce platforms are growing the business so far. Certain other websites are there but these two are widely growing e-commerce sites.

Woocommerce is a free plug-in for WordPress. At least 25% you found on internet is built in wordpress. So woocommerce is a best e-commerce site. As it is open-source, so anyone can build something on top of the core code base. It allows people to create plug-ins and to customize them also as per their requirement. It helps e-commerce site more to function like a regular size with SEO.


As it was told earlier, the Woocommerce is technically free plug-ins. The plug-in itself is free with WordPress but some other features are there and those have some cost. With the features of Woocommerce you will be able to accept credit card payments from your customers.

Setting up                                                    

Woocommerce is very easy to set up as a basic e-commerce website. The steps for setting up a Woocomerce website are as follows:

  1. First of all you need to install the free woocommerce plug in.
  2. After that you will be required to choose themes from woocommerce themes.
  3. Then you should load your products.
  4. There after set up a payment gateway.
  5. Now your store is ready to launch with an optimal woocommerce pricing.

As it is an open-source platform, people are constantly building new integrations with Woocommerce. It is a customizable platform. With the help of tons of plug-ins for woocommerce subscriptions. SEO is very easy to accomplish. So, it can be said that Woocommerce is the most customizable and helpful e-commerce platform for building your online business. So, now you might have left with several questions regarding woocommerce for woocommerce shortcodes. Just check out the questions below to be clearer about this e-commerce platform for woocommerce vs spotify.

What are the themes of woocommerce?

Well, various woocommerce themes are there in wordpress. All these themes are free and optimized by wordpress that makes it so popular in market and thousands of contributors in the market are attached to it. As a consequence it provides billions of wordpress themes and most of them are free. Open-source community is huge and the developers have created the woocommerce themes. However, free woocommerce themes are not easy to find as developers are hiding them and trying to push them as premium ones. You can get the best woocommerce support.

Why to choose WooCommerce?

It supports a sizable slice of the ever-growing e-commerce across the globe. It’s an open-source platform with extensive features and user-friendly experiences. It’s completely free to download and it is the main reason for its popularity. Lots of flexibility is provided by this platform. It never forces a customer to go beyond their comfort zone. So, it is more than just a normal e-commerce. With the help of it, a user can build fully functioning store, within a professional website. It provides a user-friendly wordpress experience. This kind of familiarity in building an online store easily saves time and confusion, blistering the creativity. Woocommerce is very professional yet simple and easy to access. All these reasons helped woocommerce to be used by several users. You can get the best woocommerce payment gateways.

What is the difference between ecommerce and woocommerce?

Woocommerce is an e-commerce platform that runs with wordpress and it is absolutely free and an open source software. So, anyone can have access on it. The woocommerce plug-ins cannot be used in any other websites. So, e-commerce can have can have several platforms but woocommerce only uses wordpress as platform. This is the main difference between these two and you can get the best woocommerce shipping.

What is woocommerece documentation?

It is an extension for woocommerce, mainly based on the documentation plug-in for wordpress. It is helpful in linking the documentation pages to products and displays them in the product pages directly. We are expert in woocommerce plugin.

How much does woocommerce cost?

The plug-ins of woocommerece allows you to build a professional online store in wordpress. These are open-source and hence, don’t cost a penny for this. You just need some webspace that allows you to install wordpress for it, and installing wordpress and its plug-ins are easy. Tons of free plug-ins is there and all the plug-ins is kept up-to-date by its developers. Apart from plug-ins, lots of extensions or add-ons are there in woocommerce affiliate. You may add that in your website. For example you can add credit card pre-processors, customer data export function and much more. To add all these things you need to pay extra woocommerce fee and the estimated cost for this is $29 to $ 79 per year. So, along with these features, woocommerce is growing in the market with so much popularity for woocommerce abandoned cart. You can get the woocommerce add to cart button with our expert’s assistance. We know everything about woocommerce attributes.


So, now you have cleared lots of your queries regarding e-commerce and woocommerce. Did you really enjoy reading this post? Was it enough to help you with your questions? Kindly, let us know that. Our experts know the woocommerce add ons.  You can get tips for wocommerce Amazon. Our developers are skilled in woocommerce app. You can get the best advice on woocommerce A/B testing. Your valuable comment and suggestion will help us to improve more, so that we can produce some better writing later on. So, like our Facebook page, and subscribe our posts to stay updated. Your precious opinion will help us to be better.


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